Press the “Games” button, which is located on the top of the website. You will see all available games. On the left side of this page you will see the filter, that will help you to restrict the amount of games shown according to your preferences. This is very comfortable!
To see all available free-to-play games make sure to tick "free-to-play games”. If you add "Action" and "Steam", you will see all available Action games that can be played via Steam. You can add as many parameters as you need to find something you like.
If you want to see the whole bunch of games that are available on Steam , for example, then you will need “Sorting”. By default, games are sorted by alphabet, but you can set sorting by rating on Metacritics to see the games that are highly rated by users.
Enter the game title in the search bar and you will get the list of the games that are available in our service.
To add a game to your library you need to choose it from a catalog and press the button“+library”. Games from your EGS and Steam accounts will be added to your library automatically, we will tell you about this in the next paragraph!
Open the “Setting” tab in the app. In the “Connections” block press the chain-like button around Steam. The log in to your account. Ready to go! You just enabled your Steam account.
Unfortunately, you can't sync Ubisoft and GOG libraries, though you can easily launch games from their services. Click the name of the service when launching the desired game and simply log in, that will work!
Perhaps, you are only getting into gaming and you do not own any paid games. Nothing to be feared! Open the filters on the left side and choose "Free games" and a comfortable platform (secretly speaking - most of the free games are on Steam). Then, connect your Steam or Egs account to our library, choose the needed game and press the “Play” button. This is really easy!